李清弋 发表于 2020-10-13 21:35

梁羽生武侠翻译系列02大唐游侠传-[The epic of heroes from Dynasty Tang] Chapter 1

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-11-10 15:13 编辑

第一回 杯酒论交甘淡泊 玉钗为聘结良缘
Chapter 1:A pot of wine witness the friendship of two noble man, and a pair of jade hairpin combines there family together through marriage

"Happy New Year!" "Wish you a prosperous New Year"
It was the Chinese New Year During the Tianpao Periods of Tang Dynasty.
In a village sixty miles away from the capital city Changan,lived a family of Shi,the house-holder of the family is Yiru Shi.He had a good rank the in the imperial competitive examination in the 22th year of Kaiyuan Periods. The man has no wild ambition for fame and power, he quieted his job in the government and went back to live in his hometown. The neighbors admire his knowledge and came to his house to congratulates him a happy new year every year.
Mr.Shi thanked all his guests and wished them back.However,after everybody leaved,a sense of sadness welled up in his heart. He took a deep breath and spoke to himself "How could people be happy born in such a dark age."

"Wa~~wu~~,wa~~,wu~~"the tears of a new baby came out from the bedroom, which joins the bombs of firecracker out side,it finally brings a smile in Yiru Shi's face "Anyway, there is something to happy to about in these days.Mengdie gave birth to this girl,we can at least have some joy now"”
Mr Shi went out of house and says to his book-boy"Pick four fruit boxes from the presents, bring them Mr Duan's house and invite him over for a cup of wine "After giving his instructions,a little doubt came to his mind, "My brother Duan is always the first guy to came and congratulate me, why he so late this year?"

The boy answered "yes", he was about to go when he find the coming guy "My master, it seems that I can save a voyage, look who just came! "



Mr Duan,his full name if Guizhang Duan,is a middle aged man in his forties. He is dressed like a matcial expert,the typical person of muscle and strength, while Yiru Shi is an elegant gentleman with good manners. People would doubt how this two man became friends saw them together. As a matter of fact, they are not only friends, they are booms friends. It's hard to tell from first glance that Mr Duan is also a person good at literature and poetry.The Duan family is a new resident in this village, he moved hear less than ten years, even Yiru Shi didn't know his past stories, but he know that he is man with broad mind, terrific fight skills and wide knowledge. He appreciates this and took him as his best friend.

"My dear friend,don't blame me for being late,"Mr Duan knows that Yiru Shi is laughing at his lateness, "there is a reason,a good one."
"oh?what reason?"Yiru Shi asked.
"My wife gave birth to a baby last night"Guizhang Duan laughed very happily.
"Looks that good things always come in pairs,Is that a boy or a girl?" Yiru Shi snickered."A boy",Mr Duan answered,the he immediately realized something"Did your wife gave birth to a baby,too?"
"Yes,but only a girl."Mr.Shi said with pity.
"A girl?"by contrast, Mr Duan was felled very happy for his brother,"In that case, I have more reasons to congratulate you."
"Why?"Mr.Shi didn't understand.

------10 月15日--------
"Have you heard about the latest royal new?"Mr.Duan said with laughter,"three years ago,Emperor Tangxuanzong steeled his son's wife Yuhuang Yang.Xuanzhong very devoted to this women and gave royal names to her three sisters.He even appointed his brother the prime minister. The entire family obtained money and power just because of one girl.All the officials in government envied them and dreamed that only if they could gave birth to such an daughter.That's why I congratulate you for having a daughter."
段珪璋笑道:“史兄可曾听得长安近事么?皇上夺了他的儿媳寿王李瑁的妻子杨太真做贵妃,这是天宝四年之事。杨贵妃得宠非常,至今不过三年,她的三个姐姐都被封为夫人,上月从京中传来的消息,连她的从兄杨国忠也拜相了,当真是一门贵显,无与比伦。因此都中风气大改,一听到有人生女,戚友便争来贺喜,人人都说如今的世道是‘不重生男重生女’了。吾兄添了一个千金,岂非当加倍贺喜!”Mr.Shi was very insulted to hear that and said angrily"It never occurred to me that you would think I am a man greedy for richness and honor.I had better chance for that ten years ago,but I quieted the job because I would never serve those flatty people who only think of themself and care nothing about those who are suffering from war or poverty"
"Sorry,just joking"Mr.Duan explained,"I know you so well that you would cooperate which such people."
After a short pause,Mr.Duan continued his talk"Good officials like you are either exiled or resigned.No wonder that our country goes from bad to worse. I really felled worry for our nation and people."
"Joking,joking,our government is a big joke!"Mr.Shi said desperately,"forget it,forget it,let's go for a drink and forget all about it."史逸如也叹气道:“笑话,笑话,简直是越来越不成话!来,来,来!我们且乐得醉个糊涂,管他闹成什么样子!”For a few drinks,Mr.Shi was a little drank,he knocked the table in rhythm and recited a poetry"cengfuzi,danqiusheng....Libai really knows poetry,he and DuFu are the two poets I admire most.I heard he is in Changan now.I would have visited him if he wasn't always summoned into the palace by the Emperor"
Mr.Duan is deeply impressed by opinions,and tried to lighten the atmosphere"I wasn't all joking congratulating you for a daughter.Even your favorite poet Dufu write about the benefits for daughters.In this war-ridden years,boys are force to join the amy and die in battles,while girls can survive and marry someone in the neighborhood.We have been fighting for years with our neighbour countries.I am so afraid that a big war would come in one day.In that case,more and more people would regret that the had gave birth to sons other than daughters "
Mr.Shi poured himself another glass of wine,and slumped the desk with wine-glass,"that would be many years from now,it's too early to worry about it. But you remind me of something else."
"we live in the same village,so we are neighbors.It so coincident that our children born in the same night.I promote an engagement between our two families,how would like that?"


10 月16 更新
Guizhang Duan was very delighted to hear that, ”This idea came to me the moment I heard about your new born daughter,but I was shy to ask for that. It’s so great that we can be brother without blood relationand relatives in law. I happen to bring my grandma's jade hairpin with me.We can use it as a certificate of the engagement ”Yiru Shi had a look at the jade hairpin and astounded by itsbeauty
The hairpin is made of by the sort of hertian with great colour.A dazzling pearlwas inlaid at the head of each hairpin.Both the jade and pearl are precious jewellery that Mr.Shi started to wonder where did Mr.Duan got those treasures.As he know,Mr.Duan lived a poor life by teaching the villagers martial art.He helped him out when times were tough for the Duan family.He couldn't be more strange when Mr.Duan took out the jade hairpin as betrothal presents for their children.But Mr.Shi really trust his character,although he is so suspicious ,he hasn’t doubt about the ownership of the hairpins.
Mr.Duan reads his mind and explained,"My ancestor is the assistant of General Lijing during ZhenGuan period.In a battle against Tujue,he got a pair of jade hairpins in Hotan.A few years later,Emperor Taizong awarded my ancestor a pair of pearls because of his braveness in the fights against his enemies.My ancestor asked a famous craftsman to inlay the pearls onto the jade hairpins,and passed the jewellery from generation to generation.Therefore no matter how hard life is,I won't sell the jade hairpins"

10 月16 更新
Guizhang Duan was very delighted to hear that, ”This idea came to me the moment I heard about your new born daughter,but I was shy to ask for that. It’s so great that we can be brother without blood relationand relatives in law. I happen to bring my grandma's jade hairpin with me.We can use it as a certificate of the engagement ”Yiru Shi had a look at the jade hairpin and astounded by itsbeauty
The hairpin is made of by the sort of hertian with great colour.A dazzling pearlwas inlaid at the head of each hairpin.Both the jade and pearl are precious jewellery that Mr.Shi started to wonder where did Mr.Duan got those treasures.As he know,Mr.Duan lived a poor life by teaching the villagers martial art.He helped him out when times were tough for the Duan family.He couldn't be more strange when Mr.Duan took out the jade hairpin as betrothal presents for their children.But Mr.Shi really trust his character,although he is so suspicious ,he hasn’t doubt about the ownership of the hairpins.
Mr.Duan reads his mind and explained,"My ancestor is the assistant of General Lijing during ZhenGuan period.In a battle against Tujue,he got a pair of jade hairpins in Hotan.A few years later,Emperor Taizong awarded my ancestor a pair of pearls because of his braveness in the fights against his enemies.My ancestor asked a famous craftsman to inlay the pearls onto the jade hairpins,and passed the jewellery from generation to generation.Therefore no matter how hard life is,I won't sell the jade hairpins"
Yiru Shi is very delighted to find that,"you are a son of the worriers,no wonder you are so good at fighting skills. "Yiru Shi stopped to worry about the hairpins,but another confusion arose his mind,"It's a great honor to be commanders in the army,why did Mr.Duan never mentioned his ancestor's glory"
Mr.Duan had anther drink then continued his talk,"This hairpin is the only valuable treasure I have,I bring it with me all the time.One of them is carved with dragon(long),the other is carved with phoenix(feng),together I call it 'long feng bao Chai'.Now I will take this phoenix hairpin as a betrothal gift to your daughter"
"I am so appreciated that you gave my daughter your hereditary treasure."The present was so precious that Mr.Shi was a little flattered to accept it.Then he realized that someday his daughter would marry Guizhang Duan's son with this valuable hairpin,thus bring this treasure back to the Duan's family,so he is not taking advantage from Mr.Duan.After anther thought,he accepted this valuable treasure.
史逸如道:“吾兄将传家之宝作为聘礼,如此郑重,小弟感激不尽。”他本来不敢受的,但一想将来女儿嫁到他家,这玉钗总是他家之物,所以也就不再推辞了。He had a look at the phoenix hairpin.There is a beautiful phoenix carved on this five inch hairpin.The phoenix is hidden between the hairpin,so it takes some patience to see it clearly.The phoenix has spread wings as if it would fly away from hairpin anytime 

When Yiru Shi is looking at the phoenix hairpin, Guizhang Duan passed him the dragon hairpin,"Please have a look at the other hairpin."Yiru Shi turned his sight to the dragon hairpin,it has the same design of the phoenix hairpin,it has a bright pearl inlaid on the head and a dragon carved on the body,a golden dragon with very delicate carving

“My dear brother.I was supposed to give your daughter the two hairpins in pair for luckiness,but I gave them separately to your daughter and my son.Can you understand my concerns?”GuiZhang Duan is quite hesitate,and seems he want to avoid the topic.
“What is your concerns?”Asked by Yiru Sh,”We are family now. There is no need to cover.”
“I wasn’t suppose to mention about is on a such happy day.But our entire nation is ruled by treacherous officials and a fatuous emperor.A big chaos could come anytime.One day,I say one day.If our children is separated by war.The can still recognize each other through these hairpins.”
“You worried too much for the Children”Yiru Shi putted on a happy face,”We live in the same village.Our children will united to support each other no matter what happens.”But Mr.Duan’s worries also made his heart weighed heavily.He returned the dragon hairpin to Mr.Duan and carefully collected up the phoenix hairpin.

"There is anther thing I hope you can do for my son"Mr.Duan continued their talk,"I haven't named the boy yet,can you help me come up a name for him."
"Me,neither."Mr.Shi looked into the court yard,it was snowing out side,and there are several plum blossom bloming in the heavy snow."I have always lovedMeiHua(chinese spell of plum blossom).The tender flower is tenacious and sturdily,it blossoms in cold and snow,I hope my duaghter could grown up like it.Let's call her 'RuoMei' ".He paused for a moment,then he continued,"I hope our children could overcome all kinds of difficuties and never gave up hope in any occasion.But that's not enough,I hope they have could punishedthe vicious powers immediately.What do you think of the name 'Kexie(which means fight agains evil )' "“Ruomei Shi and Kexie Duan.Those are good names.Hope our children can stand our hopes when they grow up.”Mr Duan is very staisfised with this two names,he laughed Loud and clap his hands




When there were happliy talking about the names of their children,suddenly they head the sound of horns,noise of the crowd,together mingled with the screaming of children.
"What happend?"Mr Shi was very amazed by that,"It won't be the placemen come to gather our grains in the first day of new year?It very strange,let's go to check it."
Mr.Shi's house is just a few dozen steps away from the street.The saw a group of amay walked into the villiage when the get out of the door.The soldiers are strong and welly armed.At the head of team,rides a cavalrymanholding a big flag embroidered the lettles "AN".He was followed by two cavalry men holding flags,one write"The governor of Pinglu",the other writes"The governor of Pinglu".The governor is in charge of military affairs and civil affairs in the place he manage of .He is like the kinng of the area.No person has been the governor of two province ever since Tang Dynasty has built.
"It's him."Mr.Shi was a little tranced.Lushan An was very famous at that time,but it is the first time that Mr.Shi meet him in person.Lushan An is wearing a golden armor and Riding a majestically horse.The man is as fat a pig and as pride as a cock.He urged the crowd with a whip,"Be quick!Harry up!We must arrive the palace today to felicitate Spring Festival for the princess"
Yuhuan Yang is the emperor's favorite wife.Lushan An spent a lot of effort trying to please her.He was adopted as her foster son although he was much older than Princess Yang.The emperor was very pleased by his move and appointhim governor of two provinces.But Lushan An was not satisfied with that.He hopes to curry favor with Ms. Yang and be the governor of one more province.

It was the first day of the New Year.The peasant familieshad some time to celebarte,the street is gathered by crowded peaple,especially children.There were A group of ten year olds playing games on the street whe Lushan An and his corteges started to dvrive away people from the road with whips.Even the adults were frightend when they are whipped,none of them dare to come out and protect the children.
The children were terribly shocked,it was a complete mess.Some brave,clever boys manage to run away,but three young kids was so frightened that they collapsed in the road,and was about to be trampled by the horses.
Just at the time,a teenage boy rushed out.He graped two one the children with hands and throw them out of road.But there was still a kid left in the road when the chivalryman rushed forward.His horse was only three feet away from then when the teenager picked up the last child.The rider on horseback gave a whip,the two hooves with iron feet were rolling down on them.
Just at the moment,the teenager tipped on the ground and flew out of the road.The chivalryman's whip broke the teenager's coat,but luckly didn't hurt the child.And his horse stoped at the place where the teenager stand a few minutes ago.He would be seriously injured if he didn'tdodge in time

It all happend in a sudden that Yiru Shi just find that the hero is just a contry boy in his thirteen age.The teenage boy looks very rustic in his grey cotton-padded jacket,peolpe would never think he is vigorous and nimble if they didn't see him save the three kids in person.
Seeing the army of Lushan An left the villiage,the teenager put down the kid and comfort him,"Do be afraid.Go home with your parents."
The parents of the three kid were all at around,they rushed to see they children.Two boys come out from two piles of straw by the side of the road.
"Mom,Mom.I hear"
"Don't worry,I am not injured"
It turned out that the teenager had just thrown them to the roadside in the rice grass.The were a little frightend,but wasn't hurt at all.
The teanager left qutielywhen the parents were taking care of there kids,when they finally thought of thank their hero he had went away.
Yiru Shi has been living in the village for over ten years,he know all the villagers,but he had the memory that he know the teenager before.He searched the young man's features in his mind again and again and is sure that he is not from the village.Yiru Shi was quite stranged,he didn't belive what he had senn and asked Guizhang Duan,"My brother,Do you know the boy?"
But he get no answer,Guizhang Duan is not beside him.
Yiru Shi couldn't be more stranged,they come out together,why Mr.Duan left without saying goodbye to him.He looked around and find that Guizhang Duan slowly sneeking away,he covered his face by his coats.It looking that he is very afraid of something.
It didn't take Mr's Duan few steps that he went back to Mr's Shi's house
Yiru Shi planed to call him back, and then he had a second thought, “My brother is such a kind and gallant person. He would brave out to save the children from the rushing horses, but he didn’t. He just sneaked away without saying goodbye to me. That’s so strange. Why did he hide his head among his cloth? Was it because that he was afraid that his enemies would recognize him?”Yiru Shi is a wise person, he thought of the current situation over and over again and found that things were not that simple,so he followed Mr Duan back to the house.
“Did Rushan An’s Army went away?”Mr Duan immediately shut the door once Yiru Shi entered the room.

“Yes,the went away.”Yiru Shi answered.

“All right. Let’s go in.I will tell you about my secret.”Guizhang Duan Lead him to the back room, thus nobody will overhear their private conversation.

“Have you done something against the law before?”Mr Shi couldn’t be more strange,so he Couldn't resist ask the question.
“Ah-ha” Mr Duan laughed With a wry smile, “You think I had break the law before?”

“No,I didn’t break the law!”Guizhang Duan poured himself a glass of wine, “I just offended a scoundrel.”

“Then why you have to afraid.”Yiru Shi was stranger by Guizhang Duan’s story, “He is just a scoundrel. There’s no reason that people able-bodied like would be afraid of a scoundrel.”

“Do you know who the scoundrel is? His Name is Rushan An”

“An Rushan.” ejaculated in A cried voice.

“It’s him. For so many years, I never told you my story, Now I can tell you all about it. ”Guizhang Duan continued,”Lushan an is the reason I left my hometown YouZhou to this small village.”



Guizhang Duan had another drink and continued,“My ancestors fight all their life to gain the post of military envoy inYouzhou.My father passed away early, so I succeeded to his position in the armywhen I was young. And I made friends with a group of gangsters. We call ourselveschivalrous expert and show our grievances everywhere. In fact, half of boys wasa bunch of scoundrels; they made friends with me just to get advantage of mymoney and wealth.Lushan An was one of them. And his name was no Lushan An atthat time.”段珪璋再饮了一杯,继续说道:“先祖累积军功,做到幽州的兵马使,算得是个不大不小的武官,先父不幸早死,我继承祖父遗荫,不知天高地厚,结交了一班无所事事的少年,平日在里巷之间专管闲事,打抱不平,自命侠义。其实这班少年,有半数以上,就是无赖,为了索饮索食,和我结交罢了。其中有一个便是安禄山,哦,那时候,他还未姓安。”
Guizhang Duan had a pause,“He comes from west Tujue.His family name was Kang.Hechange the last name to An when his mother re-married to Yanqing An ,an Foreigngeneral.”“Wecan just call him Lushan An, everybody calls him this name now.”Yiru Shi nodded,”Sowhat happened between you?”
“Lushan An knows six foreign languages, so he lived as official businessman inYouzhou.The western foreigners and our Chinese live together in Youzhou.He workas an interpreter when the foreign trades and local Chinese can’t understand eachother. He always deceive the humble people made big profit in the trade. But heshow them with a bold and forthright face, It Makes him look very worthy of companionship. I also think he is a talent person and madefriend with him at that time.   ”

“I tried to persuade him When I find out his misconducts. However he didn’t listen to my words and went from bad to worse. He forged an official documents to blackmail an citizen to gave his daughter to pay the fake debt. I gave him a hard beating when I find about this. He was very embarrassed been beaten andscolded in public by me. He broke up with me and ran away.”
As a outside general,he was given important positions in the frontier army.He was also good at the job, and made several contributions to the army, so he got promoted very quickly.In less than two years,he was absorbed the Vice marshal in the army.And led his troops back to Youzhou.
“I had a poor and awkward time when he came back to Youzhou.I spent all my ancestors’property,and all the money weresquandered.All the friends I had made left me.I have no memory for my hometown,so I left knowing that LuShan An would revenge on me when he comes back.It has been several year that I wandering in a foreign land, hiding from this guy.But after all this year,I still didn't escape from his revenge in the end.He will soon come back to seek revenge on me, So I should say goodbye to you and leave soon.”
”It was just a episode when you were young.So many years has passed,maybe Lushan An didn’t remember it himself. ”Yiru Shi tried to comfort Guizhang Duan.
”I don’t think so.Lushan An thought it as the most embarrassing thing in his life.He would hate me to his death. You saw how arrogant he is today.I'm afraid I'll bring disaster to you and your family if I don't leave soon,my dear friend.”

Yiru Shi Know about Lushan An's cruelty,but he doesnot want to separated with his friend,so he tried to comfort him,”It was socrowded when they pass by,Lushan An might not recognize you among us.”安禄山的残暴无道,史逸如并非不知,但他却不认为事情有如此严重,他和段珪璋多年朋友,实是不舍得一旦分开,因此又劝慰他道:“今天在路边的闲人甚多,安禄山在前呼后拥之下,匆匆驰过,他未必便在人堆之中认出了你?”“That’s possible. But I have to considerthe worst situation. This small town is very near ChangAn, He may pass by hereagain on his way to Beijing.It would be to late for me to run away when he findme first.”  段珪璋道:“古人说得好:防患未然。事情总得往最坏处想。万一祸患突如其来,那时我要躲也躲不及了。何况自从去年安禄山巴结上杨贵妃之后,将来必定常到长安,这儿离长安甚近,总有一天会给他发觉。”“Well, in that case. Let’s leave together.We are brother and family, we share weal and woe “Yiru Shi made up hisdecision.  史逸如道:“你我二人情同手足,如今又结成了儿女亲家,理该患难与共,要走,咱们两家一同走!”Guizhang Duan is not quite agree with his decision,he hesitated for a while ,then said, “I thank you for your support, but yourwife is a pregnant woman who has just given birth to a baby. It's too tired forher to move at this time.”  段珪璋面有难色,半晌说道:“吾兄高义,可佩之至。只是嫂夫人刚刚生产,这,这如何使得?”“How about your wife. She just gave birthto a baby, too.”Yiru Shi asked back.  史逸如笑道:“嫂夫人不也是刚刚生产吗?”“My wife is strong women with good bode.She can overcome the difficulty of the journey. But yours is a aristocratic lady.I am not sure she can adapt to journey like this”  段珪璋道:“内子略通武艺,身体强健,事到急时,要走不难。嫂夫人乃是名门闺秀,怎过得亡命生涯,受得风霜之苦?”“In my opinion, Lushan An would Stay inChang 'an until the Lantern Festival .We still have some time to prepare. Wecan leave in half a month, so my sister-in-law can recover from the Pregnantand birth giving.”  史逸如道:“依我之见,要走也不争在这时。想那安禄山前往长安,最少也得过了元宵,方回幽州。嫂夫人虽说身体强健,刚刚产后,到底不宜于远行。依我之见,不如再待个十天半月,那时两家同行,岂不是好得多?”Guizhang Duan thought about Yiru Shi’s suggestions,he was reluctant to part with Mr Shi’s family too. Even though they had two hairpinsto show their identity, It is still too hard for them to reunite. Also he wastoo lucky to think that An Lushan would be very busy and would forget to comeback and seek revenge.He is agree with Mr Shi’s idea.I would be a month laterthat Lushan An pass through the village again.So he took Mr Duan’s advice andagree to leave together on Lantern Festival.  段珪璋听史逸如说得甚为有理,再想到儿女的亲事上头,若然两家就在今日分手,虽说有龙凤宝钗为凭,他年能否相见,却还是只能听凭天命。安禄山到了长安,免不了有许多官场酬酢,京中富贵繁华,他又新拜了杨贵妃做干娘,也自得大大亨乐一番。即算他认出了自己,要报昔日被辱之仇,大约也得等他在长安回来,再经过这个村庄的时候。  想了半晌,段珪璋终于接纳了史逸如的劝告,决定在元宵前一日,两家人一同远走高飞。After they settled the leaving plan,YiruShi finally had time to ask about the teenage hero who saved the three kids. GuizhangDuan was quite astonished by the teenager’s story, but he didn’t tell Mr Shi’sthe truth and lies,”I left when I saw Lushan An’s troop,I didn’t saw the boy.”  史逸如本来要问他认不认得那个乡下少年的,这时方有机会提起。段珪璋听了之后,甚为惊诧,说道:“有这样一个人吗?当时我一见安禄山的旗号,就蒙头溜开了。原来闹哄哄的是这一桩事情。”Yiru Shi noticed the change in his face,buthe explained to himself,”the boy’s behavior is to amazing ,no wander my brotheris astonished.”  史逸如见段珪璋神色有异,心想:“那少年的本领确是惊人,怪不得段大哥听了也觉讶异。”After a few minutes ,Guizhang Duan madesure that Lushan An’s troop has gone away.He sad goodbye to Yiru Shi,and lefthis house.  段珪璋再坐了一会,料想安禄山那队官军已过了十里之外,便向史逸如告辞,约定史逸如明日到他家相见。
After GuiZhang Duan left,Yiru Shi went into the bedroom to see his wife anddaughter .His wife is very week after giving birth to their lovely daughter.Afraid that his wife would get worriedYiru Shi did nottell herabout the escaping plan now, he decided to tell her when she is recoveredfromthat. So he only told her about the engagement about their daughter with MrDuan’s son,and showed her the phoenixhairpin.史逸如的妻子姓卢,乃是河东大族,富贵人家,见了这股凤钗,亦自啧啧称异,忙问他是哪儿来的。史逸如道:“是段大哥的。”卢氏道:“是那段珪璋段大哥吗?”史逸如笑道:“还有哪位段大哥?”卢氏道:“咦,这倒奇了。段大哥竟有这等价值连城的宝钗。”史逸如笑道:“还有更奇的呢,段大哥也是在昨天大年除夕的晚上得了一个孩子,不过咱们是个女的,他们是个男的。”卢氏道:“有这样巧的事情!你们是好朋友,孩子又在同一天出生!大哥,我说句笑话,这两个孩子倒像是天生的一对呢。”史逸如哈哈笑道:“不是笑话,婚事已经成了。这股凤钗就是段大哥给咱们女儿的聘礼呢。你该不会嫌他家道贫寒吧?”
Yiru Shi’swife comes from a wealthy family in HeDong Province. Though the Lu’sfamily is very powerful in the area, MsLu was shocked by the elegant jewelry.”where did youget it?”Ms Lu asked.“This is theengagement souvenir.”Yiru Shi answered.“It it given byour neighbor GuizhangDuan”MsLu tries to confirm with her husband.“Yes, it is.”“It’s quiteastonishing. Where did he got this precious jewelry?”“I amastonished too.”Yiru Shi echoed with his wife, “Do you know what’s more astonishing?His wife just gave birth to a boy. In the same night with you.”“What acoincidence.”Ms Lu smiled, “Our children were born in the same day. This twobabies are born to be together.”“I think thesame way.”Yiru ShiLaughed out, “I haveagreed to the proposal of their engagement, this hairpin is the betrothalpresents from Guizhang Duan. I hope youwon't blame me for the decision.”

“How could that be.Mr and Mrs Duan arethe best people I have seen, especiallyMr Duan is such a outstanding person.It’smuch better for ourdaughter marry to theirfamily other than those rich or powerful people. ”MrsShi think for a while and paused,”But I am a little afraid…”“What are yourafraid of?”Mr Shi asked hastily.“The Duan’sfamily is not rich. Where he get thisprecious from?”“Are youworried that he got itillegally?”“I didn’t mean that.”Mrs Shi Shaked her head,”Our brother is not the kind ofperson.He wouldn’t getrobber other people's property.It must be inherited from hisfamiy.What kind offamily would have such precious jewelry? And why their sonhave to hide in sucha small village?I guess he must be Hiding from some deadlyfoe.”
Mr Shi is inspired by his wife‘s wisdom, he acclaimed her in his heart, “I hadthe same confusion when I saw the hairpin. But I couldn’t do such detaileddeduction. ”but he didn't tell her the full story in afraid that she wouldthink too much, he skipped the part that Guizhan Duan offend with Lushan An andjust told her that Guizhang Duan’s ancestor get this hairpin from Lijing(Agreat general in Tang Dynasty), ”Mr.Duan is a integrity guy against evil. Hemight be hatred by those yobs, but just a little case. There’s no danger”“I hope so.”Lady Lu wished in her heart.
Yiru Shi asked his wife to take away the hairpin carefully, then he went out tosay Happy New Year to some elders in the family. After that ,he took a littlewalk to the end of the village, the residents are still talking about theaccident happened in the morning. They hate Lushan An for his look down ofhuman life, and praise the boy for his braveness. Know that no stranger come tothis village after the accident,Yiru is is much relived.“LuanAn didn’tarrange his henchman to invest into this accident, it seems that he hasn’t realize the truth.”他晚上回家,因为妻子在坐蓐期中,照习俗请有产婆陪她过夜,他吃过晚饭,看了妻子一趟,便到书房歇宿。那时已是将近二更,他踏入书房,点燃蜡烛,忽见一个陌生人坐在里面。Yiru Shi was a little relived after that, so he went home to look afterhis wife. He went to reading room to rest after supper. It is 12’o clock in themidnight, when he stepped in room he find a stranger sit right in front of him.

  史逸如骤然见着一个陌生人坐在自己的书房里面,这一惊非同小可,烛光摇曳之中,但见此人乃是个满面虬髯,全身披挂的军官,这军官未待他开口,便即起立相迎,抱拳笑道:“不速之客,深夜造访,冒昧之至!好在段先生乃是江湖豪士,此类事情,当已司空见惯,想不会见怪吧!”Yiru Shi is very frightened by the stranger, inthe dim light of the candle, he find the man is a military officer with thickbeard. Seeing Yiru Shi coming in , the officer stood up to say hi, ”Sorry formy unauthorized visit! But Mr Duan’s ,you are a famous swordman I think you won’tbe frightened by me.”
  史逸如虽是个文弱书生,但胆气素豪,虽然由于意外,大吃一惊,待到看清楚来客是个军官,心中已明白了一半,这时又听得那军官称呼自己做“段先生”,事情更是完全明白,心中想道:“段大哥今早躲入我家,不问可知,这厮是把我当作段大哥了!” 史逸如定了定神,他心内虽然明白,却佯作不知,装出惊诧的神情问道:“尊驾何人,此来何意,尚请示知。”
Yiru Shi is not a swordsman as Guizhang Duan, but he is also very brave. He thought in his heart,“This guy must mistaken me as my brother. Lushan An saw Mr.Duan come in my house, so they think ”Though afraid in his heart, he tried to keep calm in front of the officer, he asked,”who are you? Why are you in my house?”
The officer stared at Yiru Shi in his face and strange at his timidity ,“Commander An told me that Guizhang Duan is a strong man, why is he dressed like a scholar and looks so fear of me? Is he pretending like this to paralyze me?”
  史逸如根本不懂武功,这时他心中已有了主意,也就不再恐惧,对田承嗣的装腔作势,只觉得可笑,当下淡淡说道:“原来是田将军,久仰,久仰了!有何见教,请明白说吧。”“My Name it ChengSi Tian. I work for Commander Lushan An.” The officer sat down ,and wrote his name on the desk with his fingers. The figure is penetrated on the desk with strength . ChengSi Tian did it for propose to show off in front of Guizhang Duan. But Yiru Shi know nothing about these martial skills, so he just think ridiculous of ChengChou Tian’s behavior. Now he is not afraid of him anymore, ”Glad to meet you. Why do you come to my house, just tell me directly.”

ChengSi Tian is very conquered by Yiru’s Shi’calmness, he pretend to show off in front of Guizhang Duan, so he used his hand to wipe out the figures on the desk, “So you have know me now. Though this is our first meet, I still think we can work together but we have been the .You can go with me now.”
“That’s strange. Where do you want me to go? Why I should go with you. ”Yiru Shi has known ChengSi Tian’s plan, but he didn’t want to go with him.
“Guizhang Duan. Don’t pretend in front of me. It’s your honor that Commander An want you to work for him. Do not try to weasel out here!”ChengSi Tian is very angery, and shouted at Yiru Shi.
“What am I pretending. I know nothing about your commander.I have to know the reason.”Yiru Shi smiled.
“The reason.Maybe you can go and confront in front of him.”
“So, you commander must see me in person?”
“Yes. This is a command.”ChengSi Tian is also kind of afraidGuizhang Duan,so he change to a gentle voice, “I come here to pass the word. Please do notdecline anymore.”
When Yiru Shi is talking to officer Tian, he thought a lot about the consequence.If he go with Tian, he might get ride by Lushan An. Also, he hatesLushan An very much because of cruelty.He would rather die than to meet him. But if he doesn’t want to go ,he must tell officer Tianhe invite the wrong person. In that case he will go and arrest Guizhang Duan.Yiru Shi tried hard to delay with time, but hefinally made a decision, “If I go with him.When Lushan An knows he caughtwrong person, he will release me. But if he caught my brother. There’s little chance he could be escape. The only way is I go instead of him.”
Yiru Shi
Yiru Shi wiped a long wipe after he made this decision, he said to officer Tianin a loud laugh, “Iam so flatted that your commander want to meet me. He think so much of me andsend his favorite officer to invite, there’s seems no reason for me to decline. ”
Chengsi Tian’s heart is very tense because of YiruShi’s tough attitude, and is ready to catch him by force anytime. Seeing hischange in attitude, he adulate him imminently, “That’s right.Our commander miss you very much.If you say some words of praise to him, hewill give you a lot treasure and fame. Let’s leave immediately.”  史逸如却好整以暇的一笑说道:“这么急?我总不能说动身就动身呀!”
“Why so rush? I didn’t promise to leave now.”Yiru Shi sat down ,and said in a lazy voice.
“Are you kidding me?”Chengsi Tian was displeased to hear this, ”Our command ordered to bing you to ChangAn before tomorrow moring.If youtry to put off, I don’t think he have the patience to wait for you.”
“Well, at least let me say goodbye to my family.”Yiru Shi explaind.
Chengsi Tian laughed out,“Why do you act like a little girl. If I don’t know your status, I would recognize youas a bookworm. It will take a long talk to explain the reasons to your family. Wecan leave until dawn if you insist say goodbye to your family. ”Then he changed toa compromised voice:“I didn’t bother your family when coming, why do you try to wake upthem in night?”.Andhe thought in his heart:“He acts so strange, totally unlike a masculine man’s behavior. ”

As a matter of fact, Yiru Shi doesn’t want to say farewell to his wife tomake her even worried. He knows that Tian won’t agree to his proposal and raised theit for another reason. Knowing that Chengsi Tian didn’t plant to harass is his family, ShiruShi is a little relived, he proposed,”At least let me leave amessage to them so they won’t get worried for my absence. ”

  史逸如笑道:“我懂得,当然不会涉及安禄山。”提起笔来,立即写了一封短札,只说出外谋事,叫妻子若遇困难,可找亲友帮忙。田承嗣在旁看他写信,不作一声。“Well,just leave a message. Skip thepart of Commander Lushan An, just find a excuse so they won’t think too much. Theywill know when you are appointed with high post and matched salary. ”ChengsiTian is very inpatient and said in a rush voice.“I know.”Yiru Shi said with smile, he wrote ashort little to his wife, telling them he is out seeking a good job, they canask the relatives for favor during his departure.

“MengDie is much clever than me. When shesaw this letter, she will know what’s happening. She will tell my brother Duanabout the danger. The Duan’s family will look after he in return. It’s much better than let her get intodanger with me know. ”Yiru Shi put the letter under his ink-stone and planed in hisheart. However he didn’t know that Chengsi Tian had already take measure to monitor secretly,otherwise he won’tallow him to write that letter.田承嗣悄声说道:“脚步放轻一些!”两人走出书房,田承嗣一个飞身上了屋顶,见史逸如没有跟来,连忙跃下,含怒问道:“怎么,又不想走了吗?”史逸如道:“我在自己的家中,要离家也不能这样鬼鬼祟祟,要走,我得从大门走出去!”江湖上正巧有这么一条规矩,有身份的武林宗匠,纵使受人胁迫,也定然要走大门离开,才不致有失身份。田承嗣暗自骂道:“这个时候,还讲这些臭排场!”但也只得依他,从大门走出去。史逸如一看,门外已经有了三匹上了鞍的骏马。“Let’s leave quietly.”Whispered byChengsi Tian ,then he jumped onto the roof. But Yiru Shi didn’t move after him,he is very angry and jumped down , ”What are you doing? Why don’t move yourlegs.”“Why do I have to act like a thief in myown house?”Yiru Shi censured back, “I will leave though the main entrance.” Notknowing that Yiru Shi doesn’t have any Qing Kung Skills, ChengSi Tian thoughthim a man with many unnecessary and over elaborate formalities for his attitude.He laughed about him in his heart, “what arrogant man! What’s the difference ofgoing through door or by roof?” But he stilled agreed to him. When they get out,they find three steed outside.A corporal in black uniform come over,“This must be Mr. Duan. My name is Song xue. I have been living in YouZhou fora few years. I have already hear about you before. Glad to meet you in person.”SongXue is also a trusted officer under Lushan An’s command. But Yiru’s doesn’t knowabout him, so he just said politely, ”Nice to meet you, too.”Hearing this,SongXue laughed out.YiruShi is very strange about this laugh, so Chengsi Tian tried to meditate betweenthem, “I heard that you nearly get in to fight for the Li’s family in QingHe,is that ture.”“That’s true.”Songxue said in a provokevoice, “We even dated an duel. If not dissuade by QiranKe (A famous ranger inTang Dynasty) ’s inheritor. It’s almost fourteen years ago, and I haven’t seeMr.Duan after.”“We will be colleagues in the future, you will havea lot of time together in the future.”Chengsi Tian laughed out.


Yiru Shi know nothing about the enmity between Song Xue and Guizhang Duan. LuckilyXue didn’ttalk more about it after that. They hurried to on their journey back. Song xuewas a major theif famous for his swordman-ship before. Lushan An send him to catchGuizhang Duan together with Chengsi Tian. They both though there would be ahard fight with Guizhang Duan, so they are very happy that “Mr.Duan”didn’t refuse their invitation.  史逸如的心情却是非常沉重,他跨上雕鞍,回头一望,心中想道:“她现在也许还在梦中,怎知已是夫妻离别?呀,不知以后还有没有夫妻重见之期、父女会面之日?女儿刚刚出世就失掉父亲,她将来长大,不知要如何悲痛?”同时,心中忽又起了一层疑云,田承嗣来到他家,在他的书房里缠了他将近半个时辰,卧房在屋子内进,距离较远,妻子产后虚弱,熟睡了就不易醒来,这犹可说。他家中一个书童,一个婢女,另外还有一个请来的产婆,晚上是准备不睡觉来照料产妇和婴儿的,他们为什么都一点没有听到声息?他和田承嗣在书房里说了这么久的话,难道睡在书房后间的书童都听不见么?
But Yiru Shi is very oppressed departing with his family, he looked back on hishourse, thinking about his new born daughter, “Thisis the first day she arrives the world, and now she is separated with herfather. How sorrow she would be when she grown up.”When he thinks about this ,an confusion arose in his heart—He has hireda baby-sitter to look after the baby in the night. And has been talking withChengsi Tian in the bookroom for over an hour, why does the baby-sitter didn’t find the unusual?
They are riding very quickly, so Yiru Shi doesn’t have too much time to think about it. Lushan An choose there good horse for there ride, though Mr Shi is not good at riding, he can also ride it well. They arrived at Lushan An’s house in Changan within four hour, it is a huge house under a little hill. Officer Tian showed him in through the corner gate and let him to have a rest in the struggle room.“This is Guizhang Duan. The famous swordman.”Song Xue introduced in a proud voice.There are about ten guards in the struggle room on rotation. They are very excited to meet the famous“Guizhang Duan”. But they are also very astonished to see his appearance, he is too scraggy and emaciated.



Though very strange by his macroscopic features, they have heard a lot aboutGuizhang Duan’sstories. So they gathered to salute to him. Yiru Shi sat in the middle of thehouse and accepted their salutes calmly.“Hello,MrDuan. I have a question to consult you.”Said one of the guards.
  史逸如摆了摆手,道:“不必多礼,说吧!”“Don’t be so punctilious. Just ask.”
“There’s a new star in the green worlds recently.His name is KongKong Er, our commander want to hire him, do you have a plan?”
“I have never heard of him.”Yiru Shi replied in a cold voice.
The guard is very embarrassed to hear this and he regrets for asking the question.People in the green forest are very pride and conceited, they think that GuizhangDuan looks down upon KongKonger so he denied know KongKonger. What they don’t know is that as a scholar, Yiru Shiknow nothing about the heroes in the Green Forest.这个卫士碰了钉子,大家都不敢作声。田承嗣微微一笑,扭转话题,问另一个卫士道:“事情办得怎么样了?”
It went all silent in the room, they afraid to ask future questions. So ChengsiTian tried to change the topic, he asked on ther gurads, ”what’s the task assigned to you.”   
“It’s very hard.The old guy have strangeGongfu skills, we can’t win him in the fight. He brings a boy with him, he is very fiercein the fight ,even general zhang get injured by him. ”
“Is it serious.”Asked Chengsi Tian,“Verybadly, sir. The doctor says he has to rest in his three month for at leastthree month.”Hearing themtalking about the boy’s morphology features,Yiru Shi thought of theteenager who saved three kids,”It that him?”
  原来这时天色大亮,安禄山已升堂了。“Ithink you have to capture him in person.”Suggested the guards.“SinceMr.Duan come.He could make contribution on this affair. It won’t be hard for hime. ”Chengsi Tian said jollylyYiru Shi didn’t have time to answer the question whenhe heard bellman transmit orders,”Commander asks Guizhang Duan to come infor audience inside.”It is bright in themorning, and Lushan An is on work now.

李清弋 发表于 2021-3-15 14:53

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-11-5 16:51 编辑




























李清弋 发表于 2020-10-14 18:59

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-11-10 14:31 编辑


Yiru Shi know nothing about the enmity between Song Xue and Guizhang Duan. LuckilyXue didn’ttalk more about it after that. They hurried to on their journey back. Song xuewas a major theif famous for his swordman-ship before. Lushan An send him to catchGuizhang Duan together with Chengsi Tian. They both though there would be ahard fight with Guizhang Duan, so they are very happy that “Mr.Duan”didn’t refuse their invitation.   史逸如的心情却是非常沉重,他跨上雕鞍,回头一望,心中想道:“她现在也许还在梦中,怎知已是夫妻离别?呀,不知以后还有没有夫妻重见之期、父女会面之日?女儿刚刚出世就失掉父亲,她将来长大,不知要如何悲痛?”同时,心中忽又起了一层疑云,田承嗣来到他家,在他的书房里缠了他将近半个时辰,卧房在屋子内进,距离较远,妻子产后虚弱,熟睡了就不易醒来,这犹可说。他家中一个书童,一个婢女,另外还有一个请来的产婆,晚上是准备不睡觉来照料产妇和婴儿的,他们为什么都一点没有听到声息?他和田承嗣在书房里说了这么久的话,难道睡在书房后间的书童都听不见么?
But Yiru Shi is very oppressed departing with his family, he looked back on hishourse, thinking about his new born daughter, “Thisis the first day she arrives the world, and now she is separated with herfather. How sorrow she would be when she grown up.”When he thinks about this ,an confusion arose in his heart—He has hireda baby-sitter to look after the baby in the night. And has been talking withChengsi Tian in the bookroom for over an hour, why does the baby-sitter didn’t find the unusual?

超级大仙 发表于 2020-10-15 16:01


李清弋 发表于 2020-10-15 18:50

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-11-5 14:00 编辑


李清弋 发表于 2020-10-15 19:40

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-11-5 14:53 编辑


李清弋 发表于 2020-10-15 19:46

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-2-24 14:08 编辑

4000汉字 1万6字符。

雷小楚 发表于 2020-10-16 08:36


xyou518 发表于 2020-11-17 15:12


李清弋 发表于 2021-2-22 15:36

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-2-24 14:08 编辑


李清弋 发表于 2021-2-22 16:12

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-2-24 14:09 编辑


李清弋 发表于 2021-2-22 16:13


李清弋 发表于 2021-3-15 15:18

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-11-5 14:00 编辑


goodluck22 发表于 2021-3-15 18:17


2529482733 发表于 2021-3-22 22:31

李清弋 发表于 2020-10-15 19:40
Guizhang Duan had another drink and continued,“My ancestors fight all their life to gain the post o ...


2529482733 发表于 2021-3-22 22:31


捣尽玄霜 发表于 2021-6-28 17:15

本帖最后由 李清弋 于 2021-11-5 14:00 编辑


李清弋 发表于 2021-11-5 14:53




李清弋 发表于 2021-11-10 15:14

:( 第一章结束啦。感觉自己地水平还是有一定提高的。尾声部分快了很多,当然也是很多地方直接意译没有直译地

天娥 发表于 2021-11-15 22:35

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查看完整版本: 梁羽生武侠翻译系列02大唐游侠传-[The epic of heroes from Dynasty Tang] Chapter 1